Frequently Asked Questions

What is nutritional therapy? 

Nutritional therapy is the practice of using food, supplements and lifestyle changes, all tailored to the specific individual to improve various aspects of their health. By understanding WHY symptoms are experienced, I will be able to support you towards a healthier YOU. I use a tailored approach which means that I look at YOUR unique lifestyle, dietary choices and mindset in order to help you feel the way you deserve. There is no one size fits all so the recommendations I will be giving you are specifically put together for you. 

How do I know a nutritional therapy is right for me?

When we have been experiencing certain symptoms for a long time, they have a tendency to become the new normal but this doesn’t have to be the case. When symptoms creep up, this is our bodies way of telling us that something is not right in there and we shouldn’t ignore that. We all deserve to be healthy and feel our best. I have a holistic approach which means I will look at you as a unique individual and your personal circumstances to understand why you are experiencing the presenting symptoms. I will put together a tailored plan that will fit in with your lifestyle, budget and time available.

What can I expect from the initial consultation?

The initial consultation is around 90 minutes long and is done over Zoom from the comfort of your home. During this time we will go through your family history, any childhood illnesses and discuss any supplements or medication you are currently on. We will then go through the systems in your body so I can get an understanding of what might be going on. This is followed by a review of your current diet and lifestyle.

How do I know we are the right fit?

I offer a free 15 minute consultation so we can have an initial chat about your health concerns and what you would like to achieve. If you feel you would like to purchase a package, I will suggest which one I recommend based on your health goals.

How much does it cost?

Your investment in your health can be found HERE and depends on the package you chose. If you are unsure which package that will be the best option for you, I’m happy to give you more details around the different options. 

Ellen Sorlen

Founder and Owner of Nourish with Ellen

I’m Ellen, a fully qualified, insured and registered nutritional therapist with over 200 clinical hours. I strongly believe we need to nourish our bodies to flourish as individuals. Balance and moderation are the keys to a happy and healthy life and this is something I value and make sure are applied to the work I do with my clients.

Nutrition is so much more than just the food we eat, it’s about how we eat, our relationship with food but also with ourselves. It’s about lifestyle choices, mindset and purpose.My mission is to find what works for YOU and your individual circumstances. Get in touch to find out how I can help you take control over your health.

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